"O the blest eyes, the happy hearts,
That see, that know the guiding thread so fine,
Along the mighty labyrinth." - Walt Whitman
Several times a year we have labyrinth walks. You are welcome to come to walk with us.
The labyrinth does not require you to bring any exclusive set of beliefs - just yourself.
At the labyrinth, we strive to create an environment that you will find welcoming, relaxing, and safe. We invite you to explore for yourself the inward/outward journey - inward to deepen your sense of self and soul - outward to broaden your awareness of connection with the whole web of creation. The labyrinth path calls out to you, "Come and see!".
If you would like more information about our labyrinth, please contact us at labyrinth@uufn.org.

The labyrinth is . . .
A form of walking meditation.
An effective soul-making tool for those who seek a grounded and imaginative spiritual journey and deeper self-knowledge.
A complex, twisting path which, if followed, leads the walker inward to the center and then back out.
Veriditas.org has more information about the Chartres Labyrinth as well as a locator, and best practices.
The Greater Philadelphia Labyrinth Network maintains a facebook page that keeps a calendar of upcoming local events.
More labyrinth resources and activities are available at the Labyrinth Society.
Please join us in a UUFN tradition. The New Year's Eve Labyrinth Walk.
The UUFN Labyrinth
The UUFN labyrinth is painted on canvas and based on the design of the early-thirteenth century pavement labyrinth in the nave of Chartres Cathedral in France.
Read about the History of the UUFN Labyrinth.

Please join us in a UUFN tradition: The New Year's Eve Labyrinth Walk.