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2022 Winter Study Group: Lynn Ungar & Mary Grigolia

It's not necessary to attend every meeting, so you can still join the group, even if you missed earlier meetings!

At UUFN we love singing “Come, come, whoever you are...” The words are from the Sufi poet Rumi. The music is by Lynn Ungar, UU minister in the Church of the Larger Fellowship. Mary Grigolia is a musician and UU Minister - she participates in the UU Spiritual Directors Network.

Join us this January as we study works of these two women via Zoom. We will use readings from “Bread and Other Miracles” by Rev. Ungar and “Voices from the Path” by Rev. Grigolia.

The study group will be held on five Thursday evenings, 7 pm to 8 pm, starting January 13, 2022. It will be hosted by Susan King - contact to receive details and the Zoom link.