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On-line UU101 Orientation – January 22, 2022 (Format changed due to COVID)

Due to the upsurge in COVID in Delaware, the 2 part UU101 orientation originally scheduled for 1/8/2022 & 1/22/2022 has changed to one Zoom session on January 22, 2022 at 10:00am - 11:30am.

Are you interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism and our Fellowship?

Would you like an occasion to get to know Rev. Don Garrett better and make connections with other UUFN folks?

Well, we have a class for you!

UU 101 is an opportunity to gather for information and community. We will learn about Unitarian and Universalist roots; UU principles and theology: the history of UUFN, its programs and structure; and the privileges and responsibilities of membership.

We will also get to know a little more about each other. All are welcome, whether you are new to the Fellowship or have been around for decades.

To register for the class or if you have any questions, please contact Diana Guinnup at