Saying Goodbye
Today is Rev. Andrew’s last service at UUFN. Come to hear his final message on departure and saying goodbye. It is sad that our relationship has come to an end […]
Today is Rev. Andrew’s last service at UUFN. Come to hear his final message on departure and saying goodbye. It is sad that our relationship has come to an end […]
We come together weekly to worship as a faith community. In a more personal way, another place we all practice our faith is at home. This Sunday we’ll explore different […]
This week we look at the spiritual practice of bringing joy as we turn to a more active stance. How do we bring joy to a broken world or hurting […]
Our national organization is going through a time of self-introspection where we are very blatantly seeing our organization’s systemic racism and ongoing white privilege. As part of the response, congregations […]
The Flower Communion celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Just as individual flowers form a bouquet more beautiful than the sum of its parts, our fellowship consists of a […]
Rev. Andrew offers a sermon topic at UUFN’s annual service auction. (Be sure to come out on May 6 to bid on a sermon topic of your choice!) Last year’s […]
Yesterday was Earth Day, a day generally spent focusing on how our actions impact this planet we inhabit. As Unitarian Universalists we strive to promote the interdependent web of all […]
The Christian holiday Easter – and the pagan festival it originates from – are celebrations of rebirth, celebrations of transformations. What is the new life that you might want to […]
Join us this morning as we celebrate spring as a time of growth and transformation. We will worship through song, story and spoken word in a fun and lively intergenerational […]
The risk today is that instead of a “normal” worship service we will be playing Unitarian Universalist Jeopardy! Take some time to hone your knowledge of history, polity, theology, acronyms, […]