Sunday, October 29, 2023, 10:30am
Presenters: Nancy Plummer and the Glade of the Sacred Wheel CUUPS Group
Service Description:
All are welcome to join our celebration of Samhain, a Pagan holiday to remember and honor the deceased. We’ll learn why Casting is a foundation of our Earth-centered and Pagan rituals. Unitarian Universalists don’t believe in Hell, so what is the Underworld? We will explore these ideas through a UU perspective.
All are welcome to join with the UUFN's Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) chapter, Glade of the Sacred Wheel, to experience this Earth-centered spirituality event.
NOTE: This service will be held in person as well as on-line via Zoom ("hybrid"). If you want to attend in person, please review our
COVID Guidelines. If you want to attend via Zoom, a link will be sent via our weekly newsletter. If you are not already on our mailing list and want to join this service via Zoom, please send an email to worship@uufn.org no later than Friday before the service.