Sunday March 10, 2024 10:30am
Presenter: Christopher Mannino
Service Description:
It's easy in today's world to give into despair or pessimism. From climate change to wars, gun violence to politics, it often feels that nothing's going right. Yet, the danger of despair is it's ability to render us motionless. Mannino embraces radical optimism. Through both anecdotes and a tie to mainstream religions, Mannino invites members to attempt a week of radical optimism on their own.
About Chris Mannino
Chris Mannino is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, born into the UU congregation of Dedham, MA and marrying a UU before starting a family. He is an author of 30 books, and is one of Business Insider's most-read freelance writers, with over 4.5 million readers. His book Making It Up: A Radical Way to Bond with Kids Through Play combines parenting and improv theatre skills, releases everywhere Fall 2025. Perhaps most importantly, he is an award-winning chef. Specifically winning second-place here at UUFN two years in a row for his delicious cornbread.
NOTE: This service will be held in person as well as on-line via Zoom ("hybrid"). If you want to attend in person, please review our
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