In this service Rev. Karen Laughman explores ways to stay hopeful in challenging times.
ORDER OF SERVICE, Sunday Feb. 6, 2022, 10:30 am
Sound the Singing Bowl
Welcome and Announcements and Introduction
Opening Words- Rev. Karen Laughman
Chalice Lighting/Call to Worship, #448
Opening Hymn- Gather the Spirit, #347 in Singing the Living Tradition (gray hymnal)
Joys and Concerns
Offertory/ Dedication (words are on the screen)
Rev. Karen-Laughman Staying Hopeful, Part I
Gift of Music—Deep Peace, adapted by Barbara Bridge
Staying Hopeful, Part II Rev. Karen Laughman
Chalice Extinguishing
Closing Hymn- Come Sing a Song with Me, #346 in Singing the Living Tradition (gray hymnal)
Benediction- from the UU hymn Just as Long as I Have Breath,#6
Rev. Karen Laughman is a graduate of One Spirit Seminary in New York, and an ordained Interfaith Minister.
In addition to offering Sunday services on various spiritual topics, she officiates for life passage ceremonies such as weddings, memorial services, and baby blessings and provides spiritual counseling.
You can learn more about Karen on her website,