The music of the hymn "Return Again" offers a feeling of meditation, safety, and comfort from which to reflect on both our inner and outer worlds and invites us to return again to our soul, our self; invites us to be born and reborn.
How is it with us, our souls, our world? What is it that we need to experience a sense of soul renewed?
Rev. Paula Maiorano suggests possibilities in this service.
ORDER OF SERVICE, Sunday Mar. 20, 2022, 10:30 am
Ringing of the Gong
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering Music
Call to Worship
Chalice Lighting
Opening Hymn – “The Morning Hangs a Signal” #40 in Singing the Living Tradition (gray hymnal)
Joys and Concerns
Meditative Hymn
Invitation to Offertory
Speaker – Francesca Vogel – CEO of Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition
Offertory Dedication
Song - “Return Again” by the First Parish of Cambridge
Sermon, “Return Again,” Part 1
Hymn 1011 “Return Again” in Singing the Journey (teal hymnal )
Sermon Part 2
Closing Hymn – “When Our Heart is in a Holy Place” #1008 in Singing the Journey (teal hymnal )
Chalice Extinguishing
Former Interim UUFN Minister Reverend Paula Maiorano