We have a policy about UUFN and media that you should be familiar with.

If you're working on a large event, like some of our Peace Week events, consider contacting the Communications Team. We have a checklist that can help keep things on track so they're done when you need them to be.

STEP 1: Reserve UUFN Resources

Please submit the Scheduling & Calendar form at least 10 days prior to the event (to give our Office Administrator time to add it to the calendar).

Reserve space at UUFN, a UUFN zoom room, etc. for your event


have your event put on the website calendar.

STEP 2: Publicize Your Event

NOTE: Please be sure your event appears on the UUFN website calendar BEFORE requesting publicity!

We cannot publicize events until we see them on that calendar.

If your event does NOT appear on the website calendar, be sure you completed Step 1 ("Reserve UUFN Resources") above. If you DID complete that step and allowed 48 hours for the Office Administrator to allocate the resources and update the calendar, contact the Office Administrator at

Please give the Comm Teams enough notice to properly publicize your event by requesting publicity at least 7 days before you want publicity to start. While we will do our best to meet requests with less notice, our ability to meet those requests depends on the workloads of the various teams involved.

Have your event publicized in UUpdate, Connections, on the website, or in UUFN social media channels.

As Needed: Change information about an existing event

For questions/information or adjustments to existing calendar events please contact the Office Administrator at

Questions or Suggestions?

If you have questions about scheduling or publicizing your event, please email the Office Administrator at