We serve everyone!
Here, you will find opportunities for learning that suit every age group from pre-school to senior adults.
Our programs range from Sunday morning classes to service projects and activities, to movie nights, workshops, and class meetings that explore theological concepts.
We value our principles
Together with a wonderful group of volunteers, instructors, and lay leaders, we engage in an ongoing process of experience, learning, and discovering ways to live out our Unitarian Universalist principles.
We offer spirituality support
We support parents and guardians as primary spiritual teachers of their children.
We support teachers and volunteers in their passion for creating a comfortable and engaging learning environment.
We support our fellowship in guiding the journey of spiritual seekers inspired to promote a just and compassionate world.
We are a welcoming program
We encourage and respect diversity of religious thought, and open the way to a responsible healthy pursuit along whatever path, spiritual or otherwise, you may be inclined to take.
Whatever your age or religious perspective (if any)
We provide a safe, year-round, comfortable and nurturing environment for our youngest members.
Babies and children under school age are welcome in this group where teachers lead developmentally appropriate activities to encourage a sense of community.
Activities include free play, participating in songs and stories, age appropriate art, and “lighting” the classroom chalice each week.
Children are encouraged to observe or participate depending on their comfort level.
Parents and guardians are always welcome to sit with their little ones as necessary.
Contact Andrea at dre@uufn.org for more information.

This program encourages our kindergarten through sixth-grade children to develop their leadership skills as well as their awareness of the world around them. It promotes a sense of the sacredness of our earth and respect for the interconnectedness of all living things. Teachers use storytelling, arts and crafts, songs, and interactive activities to facilitate an environment of fun, trust, and learning.
The curriculum varies but always includes a focus on the UU principles.
This class also enthusiastically produces and performs the annual UUFN Holiday Pageant in December.
In addition to the curriculum provided by the UUA, the children might also engage with a variety of other programs including:
Greta’s Friends --Unitarian Universalists for Nature helps us live our 7th principle – Respect for the interdependent web of life.
This ongoing Religious Exploration project focuses on the UUFN woods – one of the largest remaining, privately-owned woodlots in the City of Newark.
The program involves learning about ecosystems, food chains, pollinators and native plants that support the health of the land, as well as non-native and invasive plants.
It includes games and activities for all ages and hands-on learning led by trained Habitat Stewards, Biologists and Arborists.
The children help to care for our gardens and grounds and have their own RE Native plant garden near the peace pole.
Roots and Shoots is another environmentally focused program.
Our Roots and Shoots Class planned an engaging service for a Halloween weekend. They taught us all about Jane Goodall and then lead us in a service project. The entire congregation helped to put together "Go-Bags" for the Newark Empowerment Center and Code Purple.

UUFN is a community that strives to forge a culture of responsibility, tolerance and harmony.
The purpose of this curriculum is to be proactive rather than reactive in the teaching of peaceful living to children.
The program strives to nurture responsible, self-aware, and independent thinkers who respect the needs of others and consider the wellbeing of the community as a whole.
We explore the skills that make for a peaceful life: communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, empathy, and civic engagement.
There is a three-fold focus: exploring peace within yourself, exploring peace within family and friends, exploring peace in the community.
The cornerstone is self-regulation; learning and choosing activities that help to calm the body and spirit.
We discuss handling difficult emotions, ways of self-calming, problem-solving, and community service.
Children participate in a variety of peacebuilding crafts and activities such as making a personal peace pole, contributing to a paper peace quilt, walking the labyrinth and meditation.
Partnering with Friendship House, our children assemble Go Bags for the food insecure.
Because there are so few free meals served in Newark, the Friendship House Newark Empowerment Center distributes “Go Bags” to clients every weekday. A typical Go Bag will have nonperishable food items such as crackers, microwave meals, canned fruit, pudding, cookies, and a boxed fruit drink; enough food for one meal.
Contact Andrea at dre@uufn.org with any questions.
This age level alternates between two programs:
Our Whole Lives
Our Whole Lives helps young people make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, sexual health and behavior.
With a holistic approach, Our Whole Lives (OWL) provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information about a range of topics, including relationships, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, sexual health, and cultural influences on sexuality. UUFN usually runs this program in conjunction with the local United Church of Christ.
The OWL class is open to the public, so all are welcome. If you feel your child would be more comfortable bringing a friend that is encouraged.
Registration is required for this year-long program.
Coming of Age
This year long program consists of the study of Unitarian Universalist beliefs as well as visits to an area church, mosque, synagogue and temple to help the youth define their own values and beliefs.
Adult members of the congregation serve as mentors to the teens during the year.
If possible, the year culminates with a UU Heritage trip to Boston.
The children then plan a service for the congregation which features the youth reading their statements of personal belief (credo statements) to the congregation.
Contact Andrea at dre@uufn.org with any questions.
Be the change you wish to see!!!
The YoUth GroUp is a positive environment where it is safe for young people to share feelings, opinions, and beliefs.
YoUth GroUp activities encourage our young people to cultivate lifelong, meaningful friendships and supportive resources that will help them throughout their lives.
Among the group’s activities are monthly community service projects, sometimes leading a Sunday Worship service, attending the UUA General Assembly, or participating in a Summer Service Project Trip.
Recently the YoUth GroUP summer service trips have been to Big Creek People In Action.

Big Creek People In Action, Inc. was founded in 1990 by citizens of McDowell County, West Virginia.
Since that time, this nonprofit organization has been serving the community of McDowell County in the realms of education and literacy, leadership development, volunteer service, service learning, arts and culture, housing, recreation, and collaborative partnerships.
BCPIA's vision of McDowell County is one of empowered and self-sufficient people living in communities that are economically vibrant, democratic, and socially just.
Contact Andrea at dre@uufn.org with any questions.
Are you out of high school and looking for friends who share your liberal beliefs?
Join our group of young adults (18-32). We meet monthly to share a meal, have a supportive check-in and discuss various topics from spirituality to politics.
All are welcome!
For the date and location of the next meeting, contact Andrea at dre@uufn.org.

“We love Adult RE at UUFN!”
The Adult Religious Education program at UUFN provides opportunities for adult spiritual and psychological growth and religious learning. Activities include class gatherings, discussion series, movie nights and various workshops in a friendly, no-pressure setting. Everyone is welcome!
Some examples:
- UU101 - Learn about our religion and our fellowship
- UUFN Women's Spirituality Group
- UUFN BookBums Bookclub
- Outrageous Owls
- Zen Meditation
Check the Calendar, UUpdate, Religious Exploration and Education News, and our other publications for current programming.
The Affinity Group Page has other opportunities for getting to know one another!