UUFN Governance

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark (UUFN) is a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), which is an association of congregations which have covenanted with each other to affirm and support its Principles.

UUFN governance is based on the principle of use of the democratic process in accordance with our bylaws which were adopted by their members. Our Board of Directors consists of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two members at large for a total of 7 board members. The minister is an ex-officio member of the board (voice without vote).


Each congregation in the UUA has Congregational polity (autonomous self governance).


Effective Governance depends on a timely budgeting process.

Please make January your team/committee financial planning month. Consider your team/committee plans for congregational year 2022-2023 and what money you will need to accomplish your goals. Provide your budget to the treasurer at treasurer@uufn.org by the end of January. Your input will be compiled into the goal for the Stewardship campaign in March and then the proposed budget (for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023), which will be presented for approval at the Annual Meeting in May or June. A link to the timeline for the budget process is provided below.


Effective Governance is only possible with documents. In order to help understand our governance please use the links below.

UUFN Chair Report Template

Board Meeting Minutes


| August | May | April 6 | March |  February |  January


Minutes for Congregational Meetings


Communications is another essential aspect of effective governance. The UUFN maintains a list of uufn.org email addresses.

To determine whom to contact for various concerns, please check our Essential Email List.