On November 12, many Unitarian Universalist congregations engaged in the UUA’s campaign to support Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism. If your congregation has not yet made a commitment to support The Promise and the Practice of Our Faith Campaign, please consider doing so. Unitarian Universalist religious professionals of color created powerful worship resources to help worship teams navigate our history of upholding white supremacy and how we can collectively work to dismantle it within the UU faith. Visit our website for campaign information and worship resources. If your congregation already started exploring what it means to fulfill the promise and practice of our faith, we’d love to hear from you! Submit your stories of impact from the perspectives of congregants, lay leaders, ministers, or staff to bluu-campaign@uua.org.
This information is facilitated in part by fair share contributions of other congregations to the UUA/JPD Annual Program Fund.
It may be appropriate for MLK Day weekend or Black History Month.
Glen Schmiesing
Former Co-chair, UUFN Denominational Affairs