You are invited to participate in a planned “Silent Solidarity” March for Unity, Justice, and Equal Rights on Sunday, December 18th beginning at 2 p.m. on the side yard of Newark United Methodist Church, 69 E. Main Street, Newark, DE 19711. We primarily are reaching out to Newark’s diverse faith communities for participation, but the event also will be posted on various Facebook pages related to the Newark community.
Here are some key points of possible interest to any who may wish to attend:
Parking is available in the lot behind the church (free) and on the two lots on either side (paid). NOTE: Given the possibility of cold temperatures, and also given that the city parking is not yet free for the holidays, we will be keeping the route short.
The Newark Police Department is graciously donating traffic-protection assistance.
Several government dignitaries have been invited, and also in attendance who will be given the opportunity to speak after the event, if they choose. We also will open up comments to leaders of each faith community. NOTE: We are asking that comments be kept brief, due to the possibility of cold temperatures.
The actual march will be held in silence.
Positively-worded signs are encouraged.
Although restrooms in the church building will be accessible during the gathering times, we are not holding any of the event inside the building itself, so as to better accommodate members of all faith communities invited.