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UUFN Summer Fun for Kids – 2017



During the summer UUFN’s Religious Education Program takes a less formal approach.  Kids always look forward to these fun summer activities. Here’s a list of some of the great plans our Developmental Director of Religious Education Terry Vodery has put together with the help of some talented UUFN members and friends!

June 11 – Slime with the DRE!   Look online or at your local craft store. Slime is spreading like wildfire! Part of what makes the slime trend so popular is that it counteracts the sensations kids (and adults) get from interacting with Smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Slime making is a tactile, creative, relaxing cooperative effort.

June 18 – Arts and Crafts with Mary  Do you like scrapbooking?  Then you’ll love this! Join Marry Cannon as she leads the children in making crafty and creative cards for the special people in our lives.

June 25 – Pillowcase Project with Blythe  Blythe Duffy will lead the class in painting pillowcases to bring a smile to children with cancer.  We’ll be using fabric paint – so wear your play clothes and bring an old shirt to use as a smock.

July 2 – Intergenerational Service  It’s all about worship and spiritual practices in the home.  We hope you will be there for this family-centered worship.

July 9 – Sign Language with Susan  Learning American Sign Language (ASL) takes time, patience, practice, and a sense of humor. Join Susan Gays as she teaches children some ways to communicate using ASL.

July 16 – Hidden Figures with Barb  Have you seen the movie, “Hidden Figures?” Did you know one of the original women who helped advance the space program is a member of the UUFN?  Join “Rocket Girl,” Barb Hebner as she shares her experiences as a NASA scientist.

July 23 – Sun Catchers UUFN Developmental Director of Religious Education Terry Vodery will lead the children in an art activity. They will be making sun catchers!

July 30 – Painting Pots with Jan  The Membership Committee needs your help!  Each year, when the UUFN welcomes new members, they are presented with a lovely potted plant to bring home as a gift and a symbol of growth.  The pots are painted and decorated with love and care by the UUFN children every summer.

August 6 – Intergenerational Service  It’s a family-centered service, an opportunity for Millenials, Gen-Xer’s and Boomers to fellowship and enjoy one another!

August 13 – Gnomes with Diane  It wouldn’t be summer without gnomes!  Bring your creativity and imagination for a day in the land of gnomes!  A UUFN favorite!!!

August 20 – Family Jam with the Hulls  You don’t have to be a virtuoso to make a joyful noise.  You are most welcome to bring your instrument if you play one. Other noise and music makers will be provided too!

August 27 – Take Apart Party with Gary  Bring your curiosity.  We’ll supply the hammer!  Gary Jackoway will lead the children in taking apart printers, computers and other hardware and appliances to see just how they work!


Hint: If you move your mouse over the page you’ll see lots of links to follow!

Explore and enjoy!